

After that conversation, we all went to sleep as it had gotten late. I cuddled with Aquarina and closed my eyes, deciding to sleep and forget about everything for now, to just relax and be with my beloved girlfriend, nothing else mattered.

What the future awaits or not, it doesn’t matter. I will keep working hard to make a better one. Those visions don’t define what is going to happen. I will make sure it doesn’t. With Aquarina, and my parents, and my friends...

We will forge a new future together.


Or so I want to say, but even now, I am nervous.

With Aquarina’s large arms embracing me, I closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

After a little while, my exhaustion beat my stress, and I finally fell asleep. It was sure a long day, I needed my rest.

The bright sun of the next morning came rather nicely, its warm sunlight piercing my bedroom’s windows. I kind of missed my bedroom at Agartha. I liked going back to my original home in Cloudia, but I’ve already grown used to living here with everyone.

This big manor where not only us live, but our servants, our chef, our gardeners, the maidservants, the butlers, everyone. Not only mom and dad, but we are also all here a big family together.

Knock, knock.

"Lady Sylphy, I’ve brought your breakfast."

And one of such maidservants entered, a slightly overweight elf woman with short, fluffy black hair and gentle blue eyes, she was Alie, an old maidservant that was given to our family years ago. Due to her diligence and hard work, she ended becoming the head maid.

"Alie! R-Right, coming..." I muttered. "I grew used to Nephilim coming to bring me the breakfast..."

I opened the door and let her in.

"Hoho, well, my lady. That rascal always eats your breakfast, so she has been delegated to cleaning duties for now." Alie giggled. "There you are, I’ve brought double breakfast for Lady Aquarina... Yes, there she is. What a sleepyhead."

"She sleeps until late; you know how she is." I smiled. "Thank you for bringing breakfast. I have to admit I missed you a bit."

"I am flattered... I am barely present in your life, my lady. Yet you say such kind words, you’re too good for this world." Alie said.

I am in fault for never mentioning her too much, there are so many servants all around the house, its always hard to keep up with them and all their names.

The chef, the gardener, everyone here is always nice. But I have a hard time remember their names. If I’ll ever take over a territory, I gotta keep their names written down somewhere, so I don’t forget so easily.

"Then I shall get going. Have a good morning Lady Sylphy." Aine walked away after that.

It seems Nephilim was finally reprimanded for eating the breakfast and now was given cleaning duties... Well, she was the one that insisted on becoming my maidservant, so she’ll have to put up with it, hopefully.

I say hopefully because I don’t know if she’ll ever put up with it at all! Nephilim might act rather dutiful and all, but her personality is quite erratic and not disciplined at all, it is as if she were a rather disrespectful and rash girl actually, but her "robotic nature" makes her act with disciple and calmness.

She’s very unique I guess, yeah, that’s something I can admit at least!

"Aquarina, wake up, breakfast time~" I kissed her cheek. "They brought us breakfast to bed!" "Hmm? Oh..." She slowly opened her eyes. "We... we are not eating with everyone?"

"Hahaha, it can’t be done all the time, everyone else’s already back to their own homes." I giggled. "Even your parents are gone. I think my parents also decided to have breakfast on their beds, and Zephy too, I think? He’s probably with them right now."

"Hmm, okay~" She cuddled over the pillow. "I’ll eat... just five more minutes... Zzzz..."

She fell asleep rather quickly after that!

"Hah~ The tea is going to get cold if you don’t drink it now." I sighed, sipping some and then taking a few bites off the ham and cheese sandwich.

There were also four slices of cake of different flavors. Strawberry cheesecake, lemon pie, chocolate cake, and butterscotch cake. I began eating the lemon pie, I was craving something a bit acidic in the morning.

"Hmm~ I missed this; our chef’s Lemon Pie is sure the best~!" I said with a smile. "I can’t believe I missed everyone this much! Cuisson’s pastries are so good, although they still pale in comparison to mom’s, they carry a certain touch, he certainly has his own recipes perfected over the years."

"Hmm, okay, okay, I’ll eat." Aquarina woke up after hearing me talk out loud about the food. "Hmm, this tea...? It is so aromatic and has such a nice hint of sweetness..."

"It’s the famous Elven Royalty Blend, apparently my grandpa brought it." I said. "It’s amazingly good, but very expensive. I heard it combines ten different types of teas and herbs together into a perfect blend that combines their flavors, textures, and aromas."

"I feel refreshed by just drinking it, it has a slight minty taste, then flowery smell, and also this strongness of black tea, but not so overwhelming, it is a bit citric and... Woah, so many flavors, but they don’t overwhelm you, it is as if you detect them the more you drink." She was amazed. "Hmm..."

She quickly took a bite off her sandwich and drank the tea again.

"So good, even better when you eat something and you drink it~ The bread melds so well wit the flavor of the tea, it sponges up and- Woah..."

"Hahah! You’re commenting on everything so much, you sure got inspired!"

"H-Hey! I’m trying to share the experience! Now give me some of that lemon pie~"

Aquarina licked her lips as she kissed my lips instead of stealing a bite off my food. She licked

My tongue, tasting the lemon pie I had just eaten with my saliva.

"I-I didn’t know you wanted to taste it that way..." I blushed a bit.

"It’s really good-" She licked her lips. "Can I have some more?"


Even in the morning she’s like this!

Goodness gracious, someone save me from her...

Amazonian girlfriends just hit different.

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