
Silvia didn’t want to leave Khepri halfway through their promise, and as someone that gets attached to people really quickly, she already considered the Spirit her friend.

“I agree with Aquarina, we should prepare better. But I made a promise and Khepri is my friend, so I’m doing it anyways!”

Justicio seemed terrified by her words, he was the one with the most grounded to earth mindset, his entire life had always been a cautious kid, to just jump into danger like this was just too much for him.

“A-At the very least we could bring your parents, right Aquarina?”

Justicio was worrying to death right now, glancing at Aquarina with the hopes her friend at the very least will bring the two powerful Heroes, which he was sure would make things easy no matter what.

However, Aquarina’s response was the complete opposite of what he imagined!

“No! Not my parents!” said Aquarina angrily. “I’ll prove them I can handle things on my own!”

And despite almost dying, Aquarina was still as reluctant as ever, she didn’t want to rely on her parents anymore. After having been saved, taken care, and given everything from them, she had grown tired of their constant aid through her life.

Perhaps she also wanted to show she was strong as a way to signify her adulthood, while also trying to become more reliable, as she had always been planning to marry Sylphy, the Princess of the biggest and oldest Kingdom in the world, she wanted to be someone that was worthy of her love and status.

“A-Are you serious right now Aquarina?! That thing was even stronger than you!” said Justicio. “What if we have to fight two… three, or even dozens of them at once?! It’s sure death no matter what!”

“Khepri are there that many in the other two ruins?” asked Aquarina, crossing her arms.

“I actually acquired data from the places where the other two ornaments are! And no, they’re only being guarded by one golem each, with other little golems and traps… their designs are also the same,” said Khepri. “I think if we prepare well enough, it should be possible to win more easily this time.”

“S-Seriously…” Justicio sighed. “Even if its one, again… and you want to do this tomorrow?”

“As quickly as possible!” said Silvia.

“Uuggh… Okay, I’m…” Justicio was about to say “I’m out” for a second, but then fell silent.

He glanced at his friends, their eyes, and felt the hope in them.

He also recalled his family, and how they had struggled through life because they hadn’t been able to afford as much as others.

Although the villagers protected one another, those that couldn’t hunt as much were bound to go through hunger, and also have less comfortable lives.

If he helped his friends, then went to the inheritance, and triumphed, not only would he become incredibly strong, but he would also even gain more reputation, and help his family get a better place in the village.

“Hah, okay…” he sighed. “But I need to first get a stronger Physique, and maybe that Beast Aura thingy. Also I haven’t gotten a Spirit yet… but I guess it can’t be helped.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t done that yet,” said Aquarina. “Why the delay?”

“Why you ask, because I have no idea how to do the whole ritual! You said you would help but you kind of forgot now,” Justicio sighed. “So help me out!”

“Okay, fine, I guess that’s the least I could do… the bug materials, you got them right?” asked Aquarina.

“Yeah, yeah,” nodded Justicio. “I also got some ores and other things you said were needed.”

“Sure, then we’re almost… Wait a second,” said Aquarina looking down the rocky cliff.

A huge pile of rubble was left from what had been crumbled down into pieces.

“Right! We can’t let that golem materials go to waste!” said Aquarina. “Sylphy would literally dive down there and pick as much as she could… Khepri! Can you help me out?”

“Sure…” Khepri nodded. “But what do you intend to do anyways?”

“Let’s dig!”

Aquarina rushed down, jumping from hundreds of meters and landing on her feet, leaving behind a huge crater.

Before, she would have surely broken her legs, but now she was completely fine even when falling from such big heights.

“Phew, come down already!”

“I am not jumping though!”

Khepri flew down using her ornament’s wings, carrying Silvia and then the curious Justicio along. Pyuku stayed behind watching, but then Aquarina summoned him inside her Soulscape and then back outside, a genius way to teleport familiars and spirits around long distances.

“We have to dig out the golem from there! The metal it had would help Justicio a lot, if we could even use a tiny bit of it to enhance his new physique! I know Orichalcum is too powerful to be imbued into a physique directly, but I could dilute it and merge it with other ores until it becomes weak enough, while also keeping a lot of the toughness.”

“Y-You can do that?!” Justicio gasped. “Wow…”

“Also the core of this golem, I want to investigate it, or keep it around for my fiancée,” said Aquarina. “I bet she’ll love to check it and investigate the core in more detail.”

“So you’re calling Sylphy fiancée now?” giggled Silvia. “Are you two getting married?”

“O-Of course we are!” said Aquarina, blushing a bit. “We already celebrated a whole party with my tribe about it! And once we’re back together, I’m going to marry her for real, and our relationship will become official for the whole world!”

“W-Woah, you sure are intense about these things, Aquarina…” said Justicio.

“Shut up and just help me out here,” said Aquarina.

“Let me see what I can do,” Khepri said.


Suddenly, her mechanical arms transformed into giant drills, beginning to pierce through the rubble.

It eventually took the two hours, but they were able to dig out the golem’s remains, and successfully retrieve them.


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