Chapter 1524 1524: Victory!—–
Aquarina converged all her powers and her very soul into a single weapon, her Soul Weapon, or well, its new form, which she had even baptized with a name.
“{Dark Trident of Abyssal Seas: Tartarus}”
The massive black trident rushed down alongside Aquarina, who used her sheer physical power to push it downwards, clashing against the orichalcum golem’s core, and piercing it through its cracks!
The golem screamed as the wailing cries of countless souls inside of the core freeing themselves reverberated! More and more leaked out, yet the golem didn’t give up either.
With barely any energy left, the false-god-turned-golem infused divine lightning into Aquarina’s attack, beginning to electrocute her body as she pushed the trident down, trying to shatter the core completely.
Golden and white lighting constantly tried to burn her body, which she was barely resisting with her current transformation.
“Uuggh…! S-Stop you bastard!”
But with just barely a few seconds left, her resistance was rapidly decreasing, making her grip grow weaker, despite how much force she was pushing down!
In that moment, Khepri spread out her wings, turning them into pure light, and rushing down to help Aquarina.
And end this once and for all!
“Silvia, now!”
“Okay! {Soul Weapon Summon}!”
Silvia’s Soul Weapon manifested again, born from her very soul, it emerged as a beautiful hammer made of yellow light, capable of growing larger or extending at her will!
As she gasped in surprise, Silvia realized her Soul Weapon had changed, similarly to Aquarina, but done more artificially, through her connection with Khepri and her ornament, her Soul Weapon…
It gained golden and silver metallic exterior, overflowing with tremendous new power, and propelled by giant golden flames, she swung her hammer, spinning in midair, rushing downwards at lightning speed.
With a roar full of her cheerful nature and her resolve to defeat this monster, Silvia hit the golem’s core with all her force, her hammer unleashing an attack that rapidly expanded into several different shockwaves as it pushed its force downwards!
Crack, crack…!
The golem’s core shattered completely, as the countless of souls within it were finally freed, escaping elsewhere to be never seen again.
Its body began twisting and transforming, as a bright red light surged from its interior!
Khepri quickly realized what this meant, they had to escape, to run as fast as possible.
“It’s going to self-destruct! Hurry, we have to run!”
She grabbed Aquarina and Justicio, while Pyuku leaped over her metallic head, and Leviathan followed them by flying quickly by her side.
Using her powerful wings, Khepri rushed outside of the ruins, just in time before a massive explosion were to consume it all!
The rocky cliff where the ruins were located crumbled down alongside the ruins themselves, leaving nothing behind but a massive pile of stones.
The group quickly reached the floor, gasping for air as they felt completely exhausted beyond measure from that.
But it was finally done, at least…
At least the first of the three “ornaments” that belonged to Khepri.
Silvia jumped out of Khepri’s interior, going to check if her friend was okay, at the same time, Justicio did the same, both going to check if she didn’t have some big wounds.
“I’m fine…”
Aquarina groaned in exhaustion, feeling almost completely paralyzed after the Abyssal Embodiment transformation ended.
“Really? You’re completely fine?!”
Silvia jumped over Aquarina and started tickling her body as she inspected every inch of it, grabbing her big, sexy legs, and spreading them to see them in detail, then her belly, and her big abs, and her chest and…
“Hey, where are you looking at?! S-Stop it!”
“A-Ahahaha! Sorry! I guess you’re fine!”
Silvia giggled although she ended doing a bit too much there, at the end, Aquarina was fine and healthy. The wounds she had taken regenerated naturally, and even her broken ribs were healed by now.
“When your Physique is strong enough, regenerating naturally from wounds is normal,” said Aquarina. “I didn’t take on any attack that left some residual poison in the wounds, and Orichalcum, despite burning like hell, is not a poisonous metal, if anything, it’s amazing at keeping bacteria and viruses at bay, always remaining clean.”
“Oh wow, you’re really okay… What a relief,” sighed Justicio. “Dammit, I might’ve said a few too many things before. Sorry if I scared you, Khepri.”
“Hah, you better be sorry, threatening to kill me and everything!” Khepri complained, her voice having become louder and metallic within her “ornament”.
“Anyways, what the hell is up with that ornament of yours?” Aquarina wondered, standing up and stretching her arms and legs. “That’s not an ornament, it’s a full-on golem! And you said there’s two more to go?!”
“Y-Yes…” Khepri sighed. “I mean, I also remembered some of the memories I was missing and well, it all makes a bit more sense now. It’s kind of confusing though, so I might need to gather more before… before I open up about this. But I am really thankful for what you’ve done, really. Thanks a lot.”
“Hmm,” Aquarina groaned. “It was a good fight, and I really pushed myself to my limits, so I ended growing really strong from that… But even then, we should really take care of ourselves next. If we’re going to be fighting the same type of golem again, we need to go prepared.”
“I agree, it might be too much,” said Justicio. “I think we should call it quits… We got one ornament, right? It’s more than enough for you to uphold the contract, Khepri!”
“I-I am really grateful about this, but I require the other two to attain my true power and regain all my memories, the contract also said all three ornaments. I’m very sorry, but I can’t really change it now that it’s done…” said Khepri.
“It’s fine…” Silvia said. “I agree with Aquarina, we should prepare better. But I made a promise and Khepri is my friend, so I’m doing it anyways!”
“A-At the very least we could bring your parents, right Aquarina?” Justicio was worrying to death right now.
“No! Not my parents!” said Aquarina angrily. “I’ll prove them I can handle things on my own!”
And despite almost dying, Aquarina was still as reluctant as ever…
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