The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 61 Surrendering Whispers

Witnessing the impossible thing in the sky, the masses were bewildered. No one in their entire life had thought that a martial spirit of 8th grade could exist in this lower realm.

Fomeid was no different, he gazed at the Griffwolf with his mouth agape, "How did he get an 8th grade spirit? I heard the king had a 4th grade spirit." The confused bearman said.

"Yes, it was. But not anymore." Feroza answered.

The bearman snapped, "Are you shitting me?"

The old werewolf laughed. "Why would I? I am not a funny person, people say."

Bearman pondered for a while before clenching his fist, "I'll kill you first and think of it later."

"Haha, are you capable, you are at the 4th level of Nascent Soul and I am 5th."

The man from Brownmane smirked. "Let me show you."

The qi started to burst out of Fomeid, his body expanded, and his body turned hairy. The well-made muscles pumped, even more, and the torso and above of Fomeid turned into a bear. That was the morphing form of Bearman, the Bearman's height increased by a foot, and Feroza looked like a small man in front of the bulky bearman.

"With that, the difference is filled up." Said the bearman.

"Are you dumb?" Asked Feroza.

The latter didn't answer and furrowed.

"I am a werewolf, I can morph too. The difference will never be filled."

"Buwahaha" Fomeid guffawed, "Everyone from the Beastmen race knows that werewolves' morph form is not in their control. Prove me wrong If what I said is a lie."

Feroza took a sigh, "I don't need to morph to beat the shit out of you." Feroza said before he uttered in a low voice. "War Blooded Body." The darkness came out like a thick gust, overlapping the former king.

It was like night befalling on an individual, Fomeid gazed at the changings as his heart skipped a beat. Soon, the Canine Prince was covered in the armour of darkness.

His height increased and he looked a more of a big size, but still, the armoured body paled compared to the bearman's morph form.

"Just... where are you getting such absurd armaments?" Fomeid said, there was envy and greed in his eyes and Feroza caught that glimpse. Being a fighter-loving maniac, he understood the nature of men during a duel more than anything, his overall judgement was poor but during a fight, especially in a duel, he had the ability to grasp every little change in his opponent's movement and expression, enabling him to come up with proper measures.

Such features of him made him infamous and dangerous in duels.

Feroza felt something fishy about that bearman, he had a feeling that Fomeid was not sent by Brownmane.

"I can give you a similar gift, I can see you lack armaments. These bandages around your fists are the only item you got, a unique grade at that, pathetic." Feroza said.

Fomeid flinched as if Feroza hit on the mark, and he continued. "Join us, be the subject of Bloodfang and you shall live a life worth living."

"Do I look like a fool?" Fomeid retorted.

"Alright then, from now on, no talk, only action." The former prince said and dashed with an incredible speed.


A dreadful punch right in the abdomen.

"I couldn't see him" that's what the bearman said to himself.

The pain was severe, but bearman managed to hold his ground. Until the Canine Fists came again, he raised his leg to the sky and landed an axe kick, Fomeid predicted the attack and made a cross-arm shield to defend.

The kick hit the arms and threw Fomeid downwards.


With a blasting sound, the bearman bashed against the ground.

He coughed the blood out, his arms shook in shock and pain. "What is wrong with him? Such brute strength is unachievable!"

Feroza landed behind him, seeing the old werewolf in range the bearman landed a full swing, with his might embedded in it.

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pαпdα`noνɐ1`сoМ A metallic thud and the giant fist of bearman was halted by the palm of the werewolf, secured in the glove of darkness.

"Is that all, and you call yourself an expert of Nascent Soul? Such a shame you've brought to our stage." Feroza said as he twisted the fist of Fomeid. "Aaarrggh" he cried and bent his back to minimize the pain.

The twist increased and the bearman was forced to hit his knees on the ground. Feroza raised his leg, and the foot glanced at the vast sky, boasting that its stomp will end a life.

Fomeid looked at the upcoming axe kick with a side eye, he is on the ground thanks to that very kick.

This was now or never for bearman. "Haahhh!" Fomeid unleashed his spirit, 5 orbits rotated behind his back. A white skinned giant, it was the spirit of Fomeid.

Feroza was surprised, "A bearman with a spirit of a titan? That's new."

Fomeid quietly glanced at Canine Fists before speaking. "I'm not from Brownmane."

Feroza asked as he twitched his eyes. "Huh, what did you say?"

"I am a mercenary, Meulo Jomez, Tribbain's King is my current employer," answered Fomeid.

"Well, it's too late. Your countdown started the moment you joined their ranks."

"Then what if I join yours now? You gave me a tempting offer earlier, I am a beastman as well, and I also have a 5th-grade spirit and a high stage of cultivation. I can be of us-"


With a straight punch right in the face, Fomeid flew like a pebble.

"I'll decide that once I beat your cocky arse to my heart's content," said Feroza

This battle had a lot of attention as well, after the demise of Dhongi Bushtail, the werehyenas and other beastmen of Warborn Kingdom lost hope.

They quietly gazed at the next giant battle, consisting of the old king of Bloodfang versus the aid of Brownmane. The outcome was already visible, the battle was decided at the moment when 4 of the coalition army's Nascent Soul experts were mired in fights.

The number of martial masters from Bloodfang was higher, almost twice that coalition army, with much better armaments as well.

The only advantage martial masters of the coalition army had was their experience, the mass number from Bloodfang was young and inexperienced. But with the lead of Imperial Guards, Supernovas and not to mention, and the prince, their morale was high enough to crush the experienced cultivators and sorcerers with sheer power.

"The reinforcement from Brownmane is defeated..."

"Should we surrender?"

The voice started to whisper to each other, and to put the final nail in the coffin, Aqsa Malan raised her spear. "Surrender now, you all will be treated equally in our kingdom, it was always you who betrayed, Bloodfang never betrayed its residents."

Her voice resounded to the entirety of the battleground, she used qi in her voice to expand the reach.

"If you don't, then your fate will resemble the fate of your leader. A fate to become the decoration of my spear." The masses looked at the spear, the head of the spear penetrated the head of a human.

One of the Foundation Establishment experts of the coalition army died at the hands of Aqsa Malani.

At the same time, another voice came. "Your fate will be decided by your decision." It was Bilal Coldbone, he held a head in his hand. He kicked the head down, and it rolled multiple times hitting the ground again and again until it finally stopped.

A female recognized the cleanly cut head "Unit... Unit leader Moskov, he is dead." She yelled.

The warriors of the coalition army pondered what to do until Mirza made his appearance. "Stop this meaningless struggle, you all were meant to be the residents of Bloodfang. I, as the king of Bloodfang Kingdom, giving you the word that there will be peace, prosperity and equality if you surrender in time."

A loud man cried from the ranks. "Don't be deceived, he'll kill us all if we surrender. We will become slaves and our women will be prostitutes, keep fighting!"

King Mirza was slightly shocked, he didn't expect such a thing to be said against him of all. He silently looked at the man who said it.

Be that as it may, Ezra was wise enough to jump out and speak. "Whoever said that is the stupidest person on this continent, your death will speed up the process of shoving your wives and daughters into prostitution. However, your life can change that course.

The martial masters who defeated you are all youngsters under the age of 20, they are sons and daughters of those who were killed by you and your fathers. We seek vengeance against those who tormented and betrayed us, we have no grudge against the populace. If you surrender and repent, you will be forgiven. Otherwise, your blood will embellish our swords and spears."

Ezra raised his hand and pointed his finger towards his father, the king of Bloodfang Kingdom. "Look above, the king is here. His majesty's single skill that you all witnessed earlier is enough to eliminate every one of you. None of you will be able to avoid death if you keep fighting, ponder it wisely." said Ezra.

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