The martial masters of the coalition army were in turmoil, whether to keep fighting and die or to surrender and live, pride or life. They were in a battle to choose a side, but before long the majority showed their decisions.

"Can you take an oath that you will not violate the prisoners of war?" Someone asked.

"Yes, I take the oath that except for the imperial families of both kingdoms, everyone else will be spared and treated as citizens."

~Klleekkk- Shiinnnn- Glluurrp~

One after another, the weapons fell to the ground. One after another, the noise of a myriad of weapons hitting the ground raised.

pαndα`noνɐ1~сoМ "I surrender..."

"Me too"

"It's already decided, at least, I can live for my family by surrendering."

The battle ended within a few hours, and the victors were decided.

The expected winners became the losers of the war.

Dhongi was burnt to death, while Meulo was chased by Skoll to somewhere far from the reach of eyes, the same goes for Silence and Hati.

Fomeid was beaten into a pulp by Feroza but was not killed.

The battle ended, and Ezra stood in the middle of the battle. Feroza and Mirza saw him and went towards the prince. "What are you doing, Ezra?" Mirza asked.

Ezra who was lost in thought heard the voice and turned his head. "Oh, it's you, father. Well, I'm doing something to make myself stronger"

"Can we stay and see?" King asked.

"No father, you must stay out of the formation."

"Which formation, I can't see one," Feroza said as he looked around to check.

"I haven't made it yet, grandfather," Ezra said with a smile.

Ezra raised his hand and a formation started to develop, the area covered was large.

Feroza and Mirza quickly flew away and made some distance.

The gigantic spell of circle formation was formed again. "Soul Absorption Spell" the orbs formed and went inside Ezra.

"What spell is that?" Mirza asked his father, he was worried.

Canine Fists was as shocked as his son. "How would I know that!" He said.

A torrent of power emerged inside the prince, and the black flashes of lightning of chaos flickered everywhere. "Did I absorb more than I can handle?" He asked Fenrir.

"Don't lose control of your conscious, if you faint, you'll explode." The wolf answered.

"Argh," Prince cried, his veins were bursting with overflow.

The others were seeing the trouble and pain of the prince, his body released a warning amount of power.

Those who were with Ezra in Foham city were excited but for those who were not, it was a situation of high alert.

"Ezra... Ezra!! I am coming." Mirza yelled and tried to dash but was stopped by Feroza.

"Father let me go, my Ezra."

"Shut up, foolish son. Let him be, he knows what he is doing. We will only make things worse if we disturb."

"Nooo!" Ezra yelled and a wave occurred


"He made a breakthrough?"

"Haahhh" there was more to come from the prince.


"What! He breakthrough three times consecutively!" Feroza yelled.

Mirza's eyes widened in disbelief, he didn't know what to say anymore.

Ezra gazed at his hands and the surging power inside his body, he was at the 2nd level of the Qi Brightening stage and now he achieved 5th level in one go.

He smiled and uttered. "Your turn Fenrir".

Just when they adjusted the shock, Ezra unleashed his spirit. The one and only Fenrir, a gigantic body of black rose and 6 orbs formed behind Ezra.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

It was enough to make them tremble, Fenrir opened his mouth and all the martial spirits of the dead were pulled and eaten by him, many 5th grade spirits opposed but it was a futile effort.

The devouring ended and all martial masters were released to search for the corpses of their beloved.

Many voices were mourning the dead bodies, the land on which the battle occurred was still noisy but unlike the earlier slogans and cries of anger and enthusiasm, these voices were full of sad sobbing.

Ezra looked at them until his eyes landed on a dead body, the prince felt strange chills in his body. It was the body of someone he knew.

Ezra slowly stepped forward, and with each taking step he was closer to the body. Until the body was 2 metres away from him, it was the body of a faun.

"I'm sorry," Ezra said, his heartbeat raised in emotion

Fenrir spoke, "Boy... you know what I want to say."

"Yes, Fenrir." He answered

Mirza came as well. "This boy..." he recognised.

"Amio Teggins was his name," Ezra said.

"I told you, he didn't belong to the battlefield."

"I made a wrong judgement, father. I'm still incompetent"

"Incompetent? This is the biggest achievement we have ever get in history. One can not save all, some things are bound to happen no matter what and death in battle is one of them."

Ezra didn't answer, he bent down and picked up the body of the young faun. "I'll meet your mother, Amio. You died a death of a martyr.

Both sides faced casualties, Bloodfang lost a few hundred martial masters, and all were very young. While the coalition army lost over two thousand martial masters.

Once they collected the bodies of all those from the coalition army were tied and brought to the capital of Bloodfang Kingdom, The Red Sky city.

On their way back to their hometown, the two wolves arrived as well. They spread their sight on masses until Ezra was found, they transformed into their puppy form and ran towards him.

Ezra was familiar with them and he understood that they devoured their opponents and all the surrounding martial animals before coming here.

Meanwhile, the supernovas and Imperial Guards were given an important task. Now that their top experts were dead, none from the coalition army dared to do anything funny. Mirza and Feroza were more than enough to wipe them out.

Within a few days of the period, Bloodfang conquered two kingdoms, Warborn and Tribbain. The total number of cities in current Bloodfang's possession was 11. Which, there was 1 stronghold city, 2 Big cities, and 8 small cities.

(Stronghold city = A defensive city, constructed on a heated border/dangerous location.

Big city = A metropolitan city with a large population and trade.

Small city = a small city with less population and trade.)

The city of Red Sky applauded the victors, many had flowers in their hands throwing and spreading on the aisle for the army.

Hundred thousand crown gathered outside the royal castle to cheer upon the victory, the royalty faced them with smiles. It was then when Ezra spoke, "O proud residents of Bloodfang, there is something I must inform you all about. In this battle, we lost 471 brave warriors.

Amongst them, there was a faun. A young small faun who gave his life for the sake of this kingdom, despite being weak in the fight, he chose to fight.

He wanted to be part of our future, that youth had a sparkle in his eyes. He was naive yet wise, he listened to his heart, not his mind.

He couldn't kill a single man but in my opinion, his sheer patriotism shattered the shields of invaders. Thanks to him and others like him, we reclaimed 9 cities that were once part of our mighty empire."

Ezra stopped for a while, the masses started to cry. Especially, females, they knew how it feels like to lose a child. Mother is a peculiar creature, you hit her children and she'll feel the pain.

The females who lost their husbands and sons in all years of meaningless war couldn't hold their tears much and cried.

"The prince started again. "I want to know if his mother, which he loved very much is here. His name was-"

"Amio... Amio Teggins." A wobbly yet loud voice, the crowd was quietly grieving so the voice of the lady resounded more than normal.

Ezra and others looked at that side, it was a female faun. She was weeping, her body was shivering as she said, it seemed like she gathered every bit of strength to utter that name. Who else could do that except for a mother, that female was the mother of two youths who died for Bloodfang?

"Are you Amio's mother?" Ezra asked.

The lady couldn't speak and nodded her head, Ezra gritted his teeth.

Mirza saw that and spoke in the stead of Ezra "Residents of Bloodfang Kingdom, this lady lost a young daughter and a young son for the sake of your happiness. Never ever in your life forget about her sacrifices." After which Mirza bowed down to everyone.

"Stop, Noo! Your majesty."

"Please your majesty, don't bow to our lowly selves."

"You are our hero".

The people lost their minds when the king bowed, a king was not a trivial rank, he was the absolute power of territory, and his words could be considered laws. And such a figure was bowing his head in front of his subjects, for others, he may have seemed a weak king but for his people, Mirza was a benevolent king which they were proud of.

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