Even though there were cries that rang out, it didn’t seem like the demonic cultivators cared at all about them.
With how they acted, it was almost as if they didn’t hear those cries at all.
They seemed like they were completely engrossed in their prayers to the statue of Beelzebub that they brought out. It was almost as if there was only this statue and nothing else.
After a moment of hesitation, Lin Fan headed in the direction of the cries.
When he came closer, he was able to recognize what these cries were.
They were the cries of little girls…
With how many cries there were and how weak they sounded, he could already guess what was waiting for him.
Then as expected, when Lin Fan came out of the cave, he saw the cage that was there.
It wasn’t right outside or he would have seen it already.
It was another cave that was on the side where the voices were coming from. That cave was a bit hidden because of the bushes that were in front of it, but the demonic cultivators weren’t really trying to hide it in the first place.
It was just the layout of this place that made it so that the cave was covered up like this in the first place.
After making his way through the bushes, Lin Fan immediately knitted his brows.
That was because there were girls that were being held in the cages like he had expected. Based on the appearance that they had, it was clear that these girls had been starving for a long time.
At the same time, it also seemed like they had been abused by the demonic cultivators while they had been held in captivity like this. With the wounds that were on them, it was clear that they had been harmed by the demonic cultivators while they were here.
Whether it was to take their blood or something else.
It really didn’t seem like they had held back against these girls.
There was a part of Lin Fan that wanted to break apart the cages and rescue the girls, but he held himself back in the end. That was because he knew that the moment that he did this, he would be in trouble.
As soon as he destroyed the cage and released them, they would be onset by the different demonic cultivators that were here. Even if they didn’t attack right away, they would eventually come for them since there was no way that they would miss all of the girls disappearing like this.
Even if he had an illusion spell, that didn’t mean that he was strong enough to use it on all of the girls.
At the same time, if they all went missing like this, there was no doubt that the Demon Slaying Conference would be ruined. The demonic cultivators would know that someone knew about their ceremony and would scatter to the four winds.
When the time came, there was no doubt that they would hold this ceremony again in a different place and hurt even more people.
So the only thing that Lin Fan could do now was endure.
He could only suppress the feelings of rage that he felt and channel it in a different way.
As he stood there, Lin Fan started looking around the area as if he was trying to see something specific. But at the same time, it was as if he was trying to take in everything in the surrounding area.
It was as if he was trying to make sure that he didn’t miss a single detail about this place.
That was because he was trying to gather as much information about this place as he could.
While he didn’t know if these girls would survive the few days until the Demon Slaying Conference, he knew that this was the only thing that he could do for them. When the time came, he would send someone to this place just so they would be able to save them.
There was no other choice…
After taking in everything that he could about this cave, Lin Fan turned to leave.
But before he left, he felt that he should at least say something.
“Wait a bit longer and you’ll be saved.”
This voice seemed to come out of nowhere and the girls all suddenly stopped crying as they were shocked to hear this voice. When they recovered from their shock, they suddenly started looking around as if they were trying to find the source of the voice.
It was just that no matter how they looked around, they weren’t able to find the source of the voice.
That was because none of them were strong enough to see through Lin Fan’s illusion spell.
Only when they couldn’t find the source of the voice, they suddenly started losing their minds. It was as if they were given hope and now that was the only thing that they could hope for.
“Please save us!”
“If you’re here, then save us!”
“Help us out of this place, they are demons!”
The girls started shouting out loud, but Lin Fan didn’t seem to mind it at all as he walked out of the cave.
As he walked out, he saw that some of the demonic cultivators came in to see what was happening with the girls. When they saw that they were just screaming into thin air, the demonic cultivators looked at the girls with strange looks, but they didn’t do anything.
Even though he had caused this commotion, Lin Fan didn’t think that he did the wrong thing.
That was because he could see the light that had appeared in the eyes of the girls.
That was what he had been aiming for the entire time.
He knew that these girls had been in despair and it was uncertain if they would even be able to survive until the day of the Demon Slaying Conference. The only way that he could stoke the will to live in them was to give them hope, even if it was faint.
If they had hope, then they would find the will to live through all of this until they were rescued.
Of course, there was a part of him that felt bad about this since this might be nothing more than false hope. All of this would depend on what the demonic cultivators would do over the next few days.
Once he had finished scouting out the area, Lin Fan didn’t waste any time in heading back to Dragon Beard City.
He had gotten more than enough information about this place, now it was time to make the preparations to face these demonic cultivators.
Now was the time to prepare so that they would be able to take down the demonic cultivators and save the girls when the time came. He couldn’t waste a single moment of the time that they had.
When he came back, the expert from the Mu Empire was surprised to see him back so soon.
But before he could ask Lin Fan why he was back so early, Lin Fan told him everything that he saw…Well, he left out a few details that he couldn’t explain since they were related to his Appraisal Eyes, but he told the Mu Empire expert everything that he could.
“Are you sure about this?” The Mu Empire expert asked in a serious voice.
After all, the things that Lin Fan had described were no joke.
It seemed that this Demon Slaying Conference was much more serious than he thought.
After all, they were only planning on using the demonic sects as a sacrifice to increase the loyalty of the various sects scattered around the Mu Empire. But now it seemed that they would have to leave it to them to fight off the threat of these demonic sects.
Seeing Lin Fan give a slow nod, the Mu Empire expert slowly said, “We need to bring reinforcements. Just the people that we have here aren’t enough to take them down if anything happens.”
But Lin Fan just shook his head in response to this before saying, “If we move anyone, then there’s no doubt that they will know what we are planning to do. Once that happens, they will either set a trap for us or they will scatter to the four winds and we won’t be able to find them anymore.”
The Mu Empire expert knitted his brows, but he didn’t refute this since he knew that Lin Fan was correct.
The problem was that this was just too risky…
Even if he knew that this was the truth, it wasn’t as if he could just risk everyone’s life based on this.
Lin Fan knew this as well, so he had waited for this to sink in with the Mu Empire expert before saying, “While I was there, I took a look around and found a few things.”
The Mu Empire expert was surprised to hear this before saying in a serious voice, “What did you find?”
He didn’t show any doubt or hesitation at this point since he knew that they were past that.
If they wanted any chance of facing the demonic sects, then they would need everything that they could get.
Since Lin Fan was saying that he had something, there was no way that he would ignore what he had to say.
When it was all over, the Mu Empire expert said, “I’ll prepare some things on my side, you should go and get the Love Sect ready.”
Lin Fan gave a simple nod in response before heading out with a serious look on his face.
What they did over the next few days would determine how the Demon Slaying Conference would go.
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