Chapter 876 Start of the Demon Slaying ConferenceThe days passed quickly and soon it was the start of the Demon Slaying Conference.
When the time came, all of the elders and disciples from the different sects finally gathered outside of Dragon Beard City.
They didn’t have any fear of being exposed now since it was already too late to stop them even if they were exposed. The only thing that was left was charging into the Dragon Beard Valley and taking down the demonic cultivators.
With how the demonic cultivators were busy with their own meeting, they shouldn’t even notice them until it was too late.
The elders and disciples from the various sects were all feeling relaxed and ready to fight the demonic cultivators.
Judging by the overall mood, it seemed that everyone thought that this would be an easy journey. It didn’t seem like any of them thought that there would be anything hard about this Demon Slaying Conference.
That was except for a certain group.
Lin Fan looked over all of the different sects that had gathered and narrowed his eyes. There was a trace of worry that appeared in his eyes as he looked over them, but that trace of worry quickly disappeared.
After all, in the first place, his plan didn’t depend on them at all.
Lin Fan was currently leading the Love Sect group as they walked out of the city.
They didn’t really attract much attention as they walked out of the city, even though most of the members were famous for the trouble that they caused. That was because everyone was focused on the Demon Slaying Conference instead.
That was with the exception of Huang Xie.
He was the only one that attracted a few looks since everyone was scared of him.
The trouble that Huang Xie had caused went far beyond everyone else, which was why they were scared of him.
“Is that him?” A few elders asked the disciples of their sects.
It was clear by the tone of their voices that they were wary of Huang Xie even though he was a disciple and they were elders.
That was just how this world was when it came to those with power.
Seniority didn’t matter in front of those that were stronger.
The only reason that no one had gone to Dragon Beard Valley yet was because these elders and disciples from the various sects were waiting for someone to announce the beginning of the Demon Slaying Conference.
They were waiting for the Mu Empire expert to come out to give the announcement.
But that didn’t happen in the end.
Instead, it was Lin Fan who stepped forward and stood on the wall of Dragon Beard City.
This was the place that the Mu Empire’s expert should have taken, so many people were caught off guard by Lin Fan suddenly appearing there. But then they looked at him as if they were looking at a person that was asking for death.
This person was stepping up in place of the Mu Empire’s expert, they weren’t showing any face to them.
The Mu Empire’s expert certainly would not take this lying down.
Then as they expected, there was the aura of the Nascent Soul Realm that suddenly appeared from inside the city. When the elders and disciples of the various sects felt this aura, they had different reactions.
It was hard for the disciples to remain standing and most of them bent down a bit when they felt this powerful aura fall down on them.
The elders did all they could to remain standing since this was a matter of prestige for tem, but it was clear by the looks on their faces that it was hard for them to resist the aura of the Mu Empire’s expert like this.
The pressure was falling on them and making it hard for them to remain standing there.
It was only their willpower that allowed them to remain standing in the end.
The looks on their faces as they looked at Lin Fan standing on the wall was as if they couldn’t wait to see what happened to him. There wasn’t a single person that believed that Lin Fan would get out of this alive.
They all wanted to see him suffer for acting the way that he was acting.
It was just too bad that none of them actually got to see this.
They found that the Nascent Soul Realm aura didn’t actually fall down on Lin Fan.
Instead, the Mu Empire’s expert didn’t show themselves and actually remained hidden in Lin Fan’s shadow. It was almost as if the two of them were working together with the way that the Mu Empire’s expert stood behind Lin Fan.
All of the elders and disciples of the various sects had shocked looks on their faces when they saw this as they had no idea what was happening.
Lin Fan didn’t care about the fact that they were stunned as he said, “I am the sect master of the Love Sect. I will be hosting this Demon Slaying Conference on behalf of the Mu Empire this time.”
After saying this, he pulled out the envoy token that Mu Bao Bao gave him before.
He didn’t really want to show this envoy token, but there was no other way considering how serious this was.
Even the Mu Empire’s expert was surprised to see this since he didn’t know that Lin Fan had something like this. With this token, Lin Fan could technically even command him around.
This was certainly the best thing to have right now, but no one should have this token in the first place…
Once the token was out, everyone immediately fell silent and waited for Lin Fan to speak.
Even as experts from the various sects, they immediately recognized the token that Lin Fan held. It was hard for them not to recognize this since this was the symbol that was even on the flag of the Mu Empire.
No one would dare fake a token like this, even the sect master of the Love Sect wouldn’t dare.
Not to mention that many people had already heard about how close the Love Sect was to Empress Mu.
While they were silent, the elders and disciples of the different sects looked carefully at Lin Fan as if they were scoping him out. They didn’t know that he was from the Love Sect before, but now that they knew, they naturally wanted to know as much as they could about him.
There were also some people that looked at Huang Xie with understanding looks.
They had seen Huang Xie following Lin Fan, so they knew that Huang Xie had to be a member of the Love Sect as well. At the same time, with how closely Huang Xie was following Lin Fan, he should be one of the core disciples of the Love Sect.
It wouldn’t be strange if he was even the disciple of the Love Sect’s sect master.
Lin Fan gave them all a moment to let this settle in before saying, “I will be going over our plan for the Demon Slaying Conference now.”
The elders and disciples of the various sects knitted their brows when they heard this.
They thought that they would be allowed to do what they wanted, but if the Love Sect’s sect master was going to give them orders…then this might be a bad situation for them. Only it was hard for them to resist these orders in the first place since he was holding that token.
If he really wanted to force them to do something, he might be able to do it with the token and the Nascent Soul Realm Expert behind him.
Still, none of them said a word to oppose this.
All of them just silently waited to see what Lin Fan had to say.
They weren’t fools and wouldn’t rush to put themselves in a dangerous situation.
They would wait to see what the plan was before they said anything.
“We will assign you a location and you will go to that location before heading into the Dragon Beard Valley. These locations will spread you out all over the Dragon Beard Valley and form a net so that none of the demonic cultivators can escape.” Lin Fan said in a calm voice.
After hearing this, all of the elders and disciples of the various sects looked at Lin Fan with a strange look.
It was almost as if they were wondering if he was being serious about this.
After all, the plan that he had just described was nothing more than a simple plan that anyone could have thought of. This was not a special plan, this was just a basic precaution.
There were some that started wondering if the sect master of the Love Sect was a fool…
But they also quickly got rid of those thoughts.
They knew that the sect master of the Love Sect, someone that controlled great power in their Mu Empire wouldn’t be a fool. Or at least he wouldn’t be this much of a fool that this was the best that he could come up with.
There had to be a different reason for this.
As they thought about this, the elders and disciples of the various sects started to reveal smiles as if they had figured something out.
Lin Fan didn’t seem to care about this as he just once again said in a calm voice, “Is that clear?”
“We understand.”
The elders and disciples simply agreed without any fuss at all.
Like this, their plan was set and the various sects started receiving their distribution orders.
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